Monday, June 17, 2013

YEAST INFECTION IN MALE?... Levadura en Hombres?

YEAST Tips..

How to Get Rid Of Yeast Infection Male/Female

Lactophenol Cotton Blue C. albicans's Culture
Microscopic yeast culture evaluation, some budding seen

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I had already published this in my website  therefore it's quit a republished article but significant, because  you will learn that not only women suffer candidiasis, men also do.  The  worse part is that most of the men even recognize it,  meanwhile having sex activity with his girlfriends can be transmitted to her even, it's not a STD (sexual transmitted Decease) so check it out. Ignorance and microbe ability of invisibility are lethal combo.
Watch the Video

Since our born a baby can have a yeast infection, therefore yeast infection symptoms in men is not a rare condition. The usual undestanding  is that only women can develop and suffer yeast infection in their genital region (vaginitis).  Candidiasis (name in behalf of the a yeast -dimorphic fungi Candida albicans) even more prevalent in ladies of all ages, it does can occur in male  penile area as well. The yeast called Candida is present in the gut of men as well as women. Yeast infection is the term given to Candida albicans (meaning whitish) overgrowth. Candida also gives rise to various other yeast infections like oral thrush, athletes foot besides skin rashes. Yeast infection can be caused by other factors besides Candida. It is HIV which causes oral thrush yeast infection in man.

Various factors cause triggers yeast infection in man
 1. Antibiotics. Usually is predisposition to yeast infection symptoms in man that do acquire bacteria resistant to antibiotics treatment i. e, MRSA or VRSA-(Staphylococcus aureus methicilin and vancomycin)  but in rare cases, this also happen.  So ironically antibiotics results to be a Candida friendly and the main reason for this type of candidiasis. Antibiotic destroys both good  as well as bad bacteria altering the natural microflora in the man body. This creates an imbalance in the gut flora. Infection is caused due to the Candida overgrowth which takes place this way.
2. Diabetes.  Diabetic men have high sugar levels in their urine making them more prone to yeast infections, yeast do like sugar!. More sugar mean more fat if you no exercise enough. But, happen that if you live in the tropics, thats mean that high humidity and sweating make you a likely target for dermatophytes and skin fungi infections.

It is important for men to be on the look out for the following penile yeast infection symptoms:
1. Any kind of soreness, itching or irritation in the head of the penis.
2. Redness or blisters on the head of the penis, more prompted in non circuncized one .
3. If having  some discharge it tend to be thick and white in appearance.
4. Little red spots may appear on the penis shaft or the surrounding genital area if the treatment of the yeast infection is not done.
The man should visit the doctor to get a proper diagnosis done in case he comes across any of these symptoms. The reasons why it is important to have a proper diagnosis are detailed below:
1. A man may pass his yeast infection to his (new) partner in case he does not get it treated. Similarly, she too can pass it back to him. The yeast infection can be eradicated only if both sexual partners get them treated.
2. The man may be suffering from a medical condition called genital herpes, but he may be under the impression that he is suffering from a yeast infection. Genital herpes is the name of a sexually transmitted disease which has symptoms of little itchy bumps. This is a chronic disease which can not be treated with the same medicines which are used to treat a yeast infection.
It is for these same reasons that a person suffering from these same reasons avoids self diagnosis and gets himself investigated by a health care provider.

The penile yeast infection symptoms in men can be treated. The cream which is prescribed to women affected by vaginal yeast infections, (sporostacin, viofororme with hydrocortisone, nystatin based) can be used for the treatment.  In some cases these creams can be purchased from the local pharmacy even without a doctors prescription. In case you have never had a penile yeast infection before, it is best to consult a doctor. Get a check up done by a doctor and take his treatment advice which will lead you to attaining effective relief. The market has many medications which can treat this yeast infection. Hence even if you are now well aware of the yeast infection symptoms in men, it is better not to do any self medication.

Healthy eating habits is a great preventive
But remember, I most of the time promote the holistic approach combine with homeopathic methods by the natural way, good healthy diet, exercise and a stress free lifestyle. Here at the Tropics we call that approach, "Remedios Caseros" (Spanish).  So that's  Why, I created these two full powered Websites: and, where you can visit and read more extensive post on each of my blogs discussion. So you are all welcome, just copy and paste the two links separately in your web browser and enjoy !

Alternatively, you may consider to evaluate the following video as per described ahead:
  1. To get rid of Yeast Infection:
  2. Click Here!
  3. To Keep your mouth Fresh and Free of Bad Breath:
  4. Click Here!
  5. To get Back in Weight Control:
  6. Click Here!
  7. To Get your Face Free of unwanted Wrinkles and keep looking /youth: 
  8. Click Here!
  9. To Adquire that dreamed Sixpack Abs:
  10. Click Here!
    Best Wishes! and Keep Healthy!
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    (Version Español)
    Yeast Infection-Video, todavia Inglés!
      Había publicado en mi sitio web  por lo tanto,  es un artículo algo republicado, pero significativo, porque puedes aprender que no sólo las mujeres sufren candidiasis, sino que a los hombres también les ocurre. Lo peor de todo es que la mayoría de los hombres ni siquiera la pueden reconocer. Inclusive, la mayorías de los hombres no saben que durante la actividad sexual con sus novias puedierán transmitirle la molestia a su pareja.  Interesantemente, que aunque candidiasis no es una enfermedad (STD) de transmisión sexual (Sexual Transmittd Disease) ésta se intercambia entre las parejas sexuales. Luego ampliaré más sobre lo explosivo que puede resultar la ignorancia, en combinación con la capacidad de invisibilidad de los microorganismos, i.e., levaduras.

Mycosis, and Yeast Infections

Sounds pretty out-fashioned but still they do exist, and surprisingly in uptrends.  Why is that? Most of the time environment like our tropics trigger this recurrent health issue. VIDEO
Like most things in our life, lack of knowledge; i.e., ignorance.  Health education is within the  most sub-estimated topics in our modern "digital world".  Add to it the fact that microorganisms are everywhere in our planet and they are invisible. Same for some fungi (Mycota), from that the term mycosis, (if happen to get infective).  So you get the perfect storm for opportunistic microbes, (ignorance + invisibility), like those microbes accountable for such mycosis, which can trigger a variety of symptoms which could go from mild  to life threatening ones.   Women, yeast infection is not a rare or strange condition, by the contrary is one of most frequently occurrence in your gender.  Ignoring that, could led to a chronic sickness condition that persons lacking the right information or formal education can easily assign a wrong root cause.  Most people will point to  our daily life full with stress, not good life style, lack of rest and sleep but reality could shock you when uncover it, especially you, ladies.
Stop suffering NOW

So take a minute and inspect the links down and watch informative video on candidiasis and yeast infections.  Then decide if your head aches, skin rashes, vaginal white discharges, constant low energy level and lack of vibrant life is just due to the rat race life style.

Keep learning more healthy tips at Get Rid Off Yeast Infection for ever and  A healthy mind in a healthy body "Mente sana en cuerpo sano".   Same way, check yeast not more for a vibrant new energized life.
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